Facebook Messenger Codes

In April this year, Facebook announced a couple of changes for its Messenger, as it reached 900 million active users monthly. You can read more details here, but the summary of that would be:

  • Messenger codes: these are similar to QR codes that you can add to your profile. Other people can scan them and directly start a Messenger conversation with you.
  • Messenger profile links: type m.me/username and you could start a chat right away. For example m.me/oana.sandu

All of this is meant to make conversation on Messenger easier, especially with organisations. Not everyone has access to Messenger codes yet, as they are being gradually introduced, but our ESA Hubble page does so we’ve just rolled it out to check how it works! Have a look and test it! Let me know how it works for you @oanasandumessenger_code_12383118425

2 Responses to “Facebook Messenger Codes”
  1. Maybe you could specify what you can scan these codes with? Because QR-readers don’t seem to recognize this and I have not found any scan option yet in the Messenger app on my Android phone. So it apparently isn’t that obvious (yet)…

    • Oana Sandu says:

      Hi Jarno! It’s indeed not very intuitive at the moment. I could access the scanner if I went to my profile m.me/username and activated the account. Then you see a scan code button.

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